
If you're reading this...

...then you're a bigger geek than I am! ;)

Well, bless you for it.

This blog is to help me get on the right track and stay on the right track. I love being fit and lean -- but I'm not. I'm oh-so-sadly not. Haven't been for a long time, actually. You might say I'm fat but fit, but then you'd be a really, really, really nice person. And I hope you're not that nice. I want a (fairly gentle, please!) kick in the ass when I slack off. Not that I'm ever going to slack off, mind you.

So...shall we begin?

As of January 1, 2006,
  • I'm 55.50 lbs above my target weight.*
  • My bicycle odometer reads 2050.3 miles.**
I'm going to post my workouts and weekly (at least) weight updates. Cycling, NordicTrack, walking, running -- and god knows what else -- will be my workout tools. I'm not going to post overly specific goals at this time, but a broad goal is to replace motorized transport with human-powered transport. In particular, I hope to cycle as much as possible and drive as little as possible. I want to exercise at least one hour a day, at least five days a week. That's including "lifestyle" exercise (commuting, errands), aerobic exercise, and strength training.

So...it's time for me to stop typing and to start pedalling.

*I don't want to say how much I weigh, or what I'd like to weigh, so I'll express current weight in relation to what I'd like to weigh. My target weight would give me 15% body fat with my current muscle mass.

**This will include mileage from at least two bicycles. I don't wish to spring for another cycle computer and besides -- I don't want to become obsessive about this -- so I'm not going to make any effort to track separate mileage for each bike. I think I probably use my commuter bike (Trek 800 rigid MTB) about 3/4 of the time, and my Schwinn Aluminum Comp MTB the rest of the time. I want to get a road bike soon, which should make things even more interesting.


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