
At Least I'm Exercising...

Titles are going to be challenging. I can see that.

I did consider "NordicTrack Saturday Night" but decided it was too pathetic. Or "No More Mister Fat Guy" which is actually kind of good....

Anyway, it is a NordicTrack Saturday Night, so here are the numbers:
4.52 Miles in 1:00:00 (1 hour).
Avg Heartrate 140
Burned 1089 calories

As usual, I listened to music. As usual, I selected all the tracks in my "unreviewed audio" folder and hit enter. As usual, Windows Media Player played in shuffle mode. I played about 15 songs or so, most of which belong in the "workout tunes" folder. But alas, as I've done too many times, I managed to screw up while flipping back to the first tune (went past it), and now I've no idea which ones I heard. I can remember a few, but for many of them I didn't even know the artist/title, so I'll just have to leave them in unreviewed for now. Minor irritation. I think I'll seek out a good freeware software mp3 player....


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