
Feb 19 -- Quick Update

This has been a week of rest. With snow/ice, bike-unfriendly roads (and my fear of same), a pesky cold (fortunately over now) and lack of access to indoor exercise equipment, I didn't get much aerobic exercise this week. I cycled a total of 3.44 miles. I walked about 1.2 miles. So, in short, not a great week for aerobic exercise.

However -- I did do some good things:

  • I stretched 6 times.
  • I meditated 5 times.
  • I did a strength training session with pushups and situps.
  • I used the car only once.
  • I didn't overeat at all (!).
The not overeating is particularly important and has resulted in some significant weight loss. I hope the stretching and strength training have helped me to preserve muscle, so that the loss is primarily from fat. The meditating has improved my focus.

I will be here for at least the next couple of days. I will try to get some aerobic exercise, along with meditation, strength training, and stretching. I will try to maintain the good eating habits I've been following. We shall see.


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